School will be CLOSED on Monday, January 20th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
REMINDER- Tomorrow (Friday) is an early dismissal at 1:30 pm for all students in grades K-8. The SGVCC shuttle will pick up students who are registered.
On Friday, January 17th from 6 - 7:30 pm at the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District, West Marin Community Services and the Marin County Public Defender will be hosting a “Know Your Rights” workshop. Attendees will learn what to do if immigration agents come to their home, how you can respond if immigration authorities or police ask you questions, learn more about court-issued search warrants, and how best to protect yourself and your family. Food and childcare will be provided. Contact West Marin Community Services at 415-663-8361 for more information.
REMINDER- Principal's Chat tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8:30 am in the MPR. Enjoy a cup of coffee and hear the latest happenings at school, including important Foundation updates. Translation and treats provided. See you there!
Happy new year! We look forward to seeing students again on TUESDAY, January 7th.
What a great final school day for 2024 with pajamas, waffles and a surprise gift giveaway from our friends at the Marin County Sheriffs Office. Happy holidays!
Don't forget tomorrow (Friday) is pajama day and our annual waffle breakfast! All students will be dismissed at 12 pm. The SGVCC shuttle will NOT be running.
What a great Winter Performance! Thank you to Ms. Casey for creating a magical show and to our families for bringing treats for the reception. It was a wonderful gathering of our school community. Happy holidays! 🌟
The Winter Performance is TOMORROW (Thursday) at 6 pm. Don't forget to bring your child in his/her costume. We are asking families with last names A-L to bring an appetizer and families with last names M-Z to bring a dessert. All are welcome. See you there!
Trimester 1 ends THIS Friday, November 15th. All students (grades K-8) will be dismissed at 1:30 pm. The SGVCC shuttle will be available for students who are signed up to participate in programs.
REMINDER there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.
REMINDER there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, November 1st due to a Professional Development Day for staff. Enjoy the long weekend!
A beautiful night for a movie in Nicasio Square!
Reminder to drop off all bake sale donations in the MPR this Friday (10/18) or bring them directly to the sale at the Pumpkin Patch (10/20)
Who is excited for our annual walking field trip to the Nicasio Valley Pumpkin Patch THIS Thursday (10/17)?
Please stop by the Principal's Chat THIS Wednesday (10/16) at 8:30 am in the MPR!